Monday, October 20, 2008


Here is a picture of what used to be my snowblower. Can you believe that someone STOLE it out of the back of our truck on State Street and in the midst of the day???!!! You have got to be kidding!!! What is this world coming to.
Hmmm.... what to buy. sod for our yard or a new snowblower for the winter. Is grass really all that important?
no.... but I am still bitter!!!! did I mention that we had just (about 15 minutes prior) paid $165.00 for getting it tuned up!!!! BITTER!!!


Ang said...

That is so mean of someone to steal your snowblower. I would be bitter too. Thieves are not nice people! I'm sorry, I would cry if someone stole Lance's snowblower.

Lorilee said...

ewe.. that makes me pissed for you... especially the tuned up part. crappy!